петак, 13. април 2018.

Grčka Salata / Greek Salad

Od kako sam pre par godina prvi put posetio Grčku i ostrvo Kos,postao sam ogroman zaljubljenik Grčke, prelepog plavog mora i naravno Grčkih specijaliteta.
Za to vreme koje sam proveo tamo naučio sam mnogo o Grčkoj istoriji i njihovoj kuhinji.
Uživajući u raznolikim ukusima mediteranske kuhinje svakog dana poželeo sam da deo toga ponesem sa sobom kući.
Danas ću sa vama podeliti jedan od glavnih Grčkih specijaliteta koji ne izostaje sa mog menija i to je Grčka salata.
Salata je jednostavna za pravljenje i veoma je ukusna .
Zbog mešavine povrća i začina salata nosi osvežavajući ukus pogotovo tokom leta.

Potrebno je :

4 čvršća paradajiza
1 zelena paprika
1 krastavac
1 glavica crnog luka srednje veličine
150g Feta sira
mešavina crnih i zelenih maslina
malo kapara po želji
pola čajne šolje maslinovog ulja
malo origana
malo bosiljka

Priprema :
Oprati paradajiz,zatim oguliti krastavac i iseći ih na kolutove.Takođe,iseći crni luk i papriku na kolutove.
Staviti u činiju za salatu pa dodati masline , kapare, origano, posoliti,pobiberiti, dodati malo bosiljka i dobro izmešati.
Iseći fetu na komade ,staviti je u činiju i preliti salatu uljem i još jednom izmešati .
Dodati malo origana i bosiljaka od gore kao dekoraciju.
Prijatno i uživajte! :)

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Video recept : 

Since I visited Greece a couple of years ago and the island of Kos, I became a huge fan of Greece, the beautiful blue sea and of course the Greek specialties.
During the time that I spent there I learned a lot about Greek history and their kitchen.
Enjoying the diverse tastes of Mediterranean cuisine every day I wanted to bring part of it home with me.
Today I will share with you one of the major Greek specialties that is never missing from my menu, I talk about Greek salad.
The salad is easy to make and it’s very tasty.
Because of a mixture of vegetables and spices salad wears refreshing taste, especially during the summer.

Ingredients :

4 firmer tomato
1 green bell pepper
1 cucumber
1 onion medium size
150g feta cheese
a mixture of black and green olives
little capers, if you wish
half a tea cup olive oil
a little oregano
little basil


Wash the tomatoes then peel the cucumber and cut them into rings .Also, cut onion and pepper into rings.
All put in a salad bowl and add the olives, capers, oregano, salt, pepper, add a little basil and mix well.
Cut the feta cheese into pieces, put in a bowl and pour over the salad oil and mix again.
Add a little oregano and basil on top as decoration.
Enjoy! :)

Video recipe : 

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