субота, 28. фебруар 2015.

Lepinjice (Mekike) / Flatbread

Jedan od najstarijih recepata koji se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju,vrlo praktične i veoma jednostavne.

Potrebno je :

  • 2,5 dl mleka
  • 2,5 dl vode
  • 1 kvasac
  • 500 g brašna
  • mast ili ulje za prženje
  • 2 kašikice šećera
  • 1 kašičica soli
Priprema :

U posudu staviti mlako mleko i vodu,zatim dodati izdrobljen kvasac,šećer,so i dodavati brašno i mesiti dok se testo ne odvoji od posude.
Testo ostaviti da kisne pola sata a zatim kad uskisne staviti ga na dasku za mešenje.
Oklagijom ga razvuci debljine 1 cm i seći na pravougaonike.
Testo ostaviti da uskisne jos 10-15 minuta zatim ugrejati ulje ili mast i peći ga na blagoj temperaturi dok ne dobije zlatno žutu boju.

One of the oldest recipes that are passed from generation to generation, very practical and very simple.

Ingredients :

- 2.5 dl milk
- 2.5 dl water
- 1 yeast
- 500 g flour
- fat or oil for frying
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt


In a bowl place lukewarm milk and water, then add crushed yeast, sugar, salt, and add to the flour and knead until the dough is not separated from the container.

Leave dough to rain half an hour and then, when leavened put it on the board for kneading.

Rolling pin stretch by 1 cm thick and cut into rectangles.

Leave dough to leavened for another 10-15 minutes then heat the oil or fat and bake it at a mild temperature until gets golden yellow color.

уторак, 24. фебруар 2015.

Rozen kolač sa narandžom / Rozen cake with orange

Retko da sam probao neki kolač sa rozen korama da mi se svideo ali ovaj mi je danas osvojio srce.
Mogu vam reći da je ovo jedan od najlepših kolača koje sam probao do sad jer ima specifičan ukus koji neodoljivo podseca na jaffa keks.

Rozen kolač sa narandžom

Potrebno :

  • Paket rozen kora 

Za fil :
  • 400 g šećera
  • 3 dl vode
  • 250 g margarina
  • 150 g čokolade
  • 200 g oraha
  • 200 g mlevenog keksa
  • 2 pomorandže (1 cela i 1 bez kore)

Glazura :
  • 100 g čokolade
  • 2 kasike ulja

Priprema :

Prokuvati vodu i šecer zatim dodati margarin i čokoladu dok se ne otopi.
U prohladjenu smesu dodati orahe i keks i narendati narandže.
Podeliti fil na 7 jednakih delova.
Mlakim filom premazivati rozen kore i stavljati jednu preko druge.
Na poslednju koru namazati glazuru i ostaviti u frižideru da se stegne.

Video Recept :

Rarely I tried a cake with rozen crusts that I liked but this one won my heart today.
I can tell you that this is one of the most beautiful cakes I've tried until now because it has a specific taste that reminds of jaffa cookie.

Ingredients :

     The package of rozen crusts

For the filling :

     400 g of sugar
     3 dl water
     250 g of margarine
     150 g of chocolate
     200 g walnuts
     200 g of ground biscuits
     2 oranges (1 full and 1 peeled)

Frosting :

     100 g of chocolate
     2 tablespoons oil


Boil water and sugar then add the butter and chocolate until dissolved.

In the chilled mixture, add walnuts and biscuits and grated orange.

Warmish filling coated on rozen crusts and put one over the other.

In the last crust spread on the icing and leave in the fridge to tighten.

Video Recipe :

недеља, 22. фебруар 2015.

Burek sa makaronama / Burek with macaroni

Predstavljam vam jedan od mojih najomiljenijih bureka koji često pravim. Ne samo što je jednostavan već i veoma ukusan a čak u sebi ni ne sadrži sir.

Burek sa makaronama / Burek with macaroni

Potrebno : 

  • 5 jaja
  • 2 čase jogurta
  • 1 časa mleka
  • pola čase ulja
  • 500 g makarona
  • kašikica soli

Priprema : 

Umutiti jaja,jogurt,mleko,ulje,so i zatim dodati makarone. Smešu ostaviti da odstoji 2 sata da bi makarone omekšale.

Zatim djuvec tepsiju namazati uljem i istresti smesu. Peći u već zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni dok ne porumeni. 

Video recept :

I present you one of my favorite burek, which I usually make. Not only is a simple but very tasty and even in itself does not contain cheese.

Ingredients :

-  5 eggs
-  2 cups of yogurt
-  1 cup of milk
-  half a cup of oil
- 500 g of macaroni
- tea spoon on salt


Whisk eggs, yogurt, milk, oil,salt and then add the macaroni. The mixture allowed to stand for 2 hours to soften macaroni.

Then oil djuvec baking pan and shake then put inside the mixture. Bake in preheated oven already at 200 degrees until get’s golden brown colour.

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