недеља, 22. фебруар 2015.

Burek sa makaronama / Burek with macaroni

Predstavljam vam jedan od mojih najomiljenijih bureka koji često pravim. Ne samo što je jednostavan već i veoma ukusan a čak u sebi ni ne sadrži sir.

Burek sa makaronama / Burek with macaroni

Potrebno : 

  • 5 jaja
  • 2 čase jogurta
  • 1 časa mleka
  • pola čase ulja
  • 500 g makarona
  • kašikica soli

Priprema : 

Umutiti jaja,jogurt,mleko,ulje,so i zatim dodati makarone. Smešu ostaviti da odstoji 2 sata da bi makarone omekšale.

Zatim djuvec tepsiju namazati uljem i istresti smesu. Peći u već zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni dok ne porumeni. 

Video recept :

I present you one of my favorite burek, which I usually make. Not only is a simple but very tasty and even in itself does not contain cheese.

Ingredients :

-  5 eggs
-  2 cups of yogurt
-  1 cup of milk
-  half a cup of oil
- 500 g of macaroni
- tea spoon on salt


Whisk eggs, yogurt, milk, oil,salt and then add the macaroni. The mixture allowed to stand for 2 hours to soften macaroni.

Then oil djuvec baking pan and shake then put inside the mixture. Bake in preheated oven already at 200 degrees until get’s golden brown colour.

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