четвртак, 17. август 2017.

Brzi kolač sa jagodama i keksom

Veoma jednostavan i brz letnji kolač koji osvežava!
Možete ga praviti sa bilo kojim voćem a najlepši je sa jagodama ili malinama.

Potrebno je :

1 l mleka + 100 ml za natapanje keksa
3 pudinga od vanile
8 kašika šećera
150 g margarina
400 g keksa
400 g jagoda (može i voće po izboru)
3 šlaga

Priprema :

Pomešati puding i šećer sa 200 ml hladnog mleka
Zatim ostatk mleka staviti da provri, pa kad provri zakuvati razmućen puding i mešati dok se ne zgusne.
Kad se zgusnulo skloniti sa vatre i dodati iseckan margarin, zatim mešati dok se ne otopi i potpuno sjedini sa pudingom.
Dodati 300 g sitno izlomljenog keksa i izmešati pa tek onda dodati iseckane jagode i lagano sve promešati.
Dublju tepsiju obložiti folijom ili papirom za pečenje pa istresti celu smesu i lepo je rasporediti.
Preko poredjati preostalih 100 g keksa koje umačemo prethodno u mleko i malo pritisnuti rukom.
Ostaviti da se ohladi i stegne prvo na sobnoj temperaturi a zatim i u frižideru pa okrenuti na tacni i odstraniti papir .
Šlag umutiti i dekorisati od gore po želji.

Nadam se da ste uživali u ovom receptu javite mi vaše utiske ukoliko probate kolač!
A mi se vidimo uskoro sa novim receptom i novim postom!

A very simple and fast summer cake that refreshes!
You can make it with any fruit and it's the most beautiful with strawberries or raspberries.

Ingredients :

1 l milk + 100 ml for soakingthe biscuit
3 vanilla pudding
8 teaspoons of sugar
150 g margarine
400 g of biscuits
400 g of strawberries (or any fruit of choice)
3 whipped cream

Preparation :

Mix pudding and sugar with 200 ml of cold milk
Then put the rest of the milk on it to boil, so whenever it cook up put the puffed pudding and mix until it is thickened.
When it gets thicken put out of the fire and added chopped margarine, then stir until it dissolved and completely united with pudding.
Add 300 g of finely crushed biscuits and mix, and then add chopped strawberries and mix it lightly.
Wrap the deeper tepsia with foil or baking paper and put the whole mixture and arrange it nicely.
Aline the rest of the 100 g of biscuits soaked previously into the milk and press the hand slightly.
Allow it to cool and then rinse first at room temperature, then in the fridge, turn to the pane and remove the paper.
Whisk the cream and decorate from above as desired.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe tell me your impressions if you try the cake!
And we'll see you soon with a new recipe and a new post!

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